real people, existing places from all over the world—giving you stories to wear. and share.
@ new york #truestory – this is the one with the club king. peter gatien, the guy with the eye patch, was the king of the manhattan nightlife during the 90ies. we had the pleasure to meet and party with him. to salute him and remember those nights you’ll find the addresses of his four legendary clubs on these two, inspired by an original flyer from that era or combined with a cool sketch of the king himself. >
@ ibiza #truestory – this is the one with the lights of love. the team behind almost.eight is a bunch of friends, is what you call a chosen family. they love to spend time with each other, celebrating love, life and music. especially the positive and unifying sounds of the one and only black coffee, who is right in front of you into the incredible hï lights of this one. >
@ los angeles #truestory – this is the one with room 55. if one has a thing for stories, this legendary hotel overlooking sunset boulevard in los angeles cannot be left off. hundreds have happened there – most of them will stay there forever. the walls keep their silence, and so do we (at least about all details that could get anyone into trouble). still this one will always remind of that not particularly restful but very delightful night in room 55. >
@ rome #truestory – this is the one with the statue. the "ponte sant'angelo" crosses the tiber in bella roma. this one shows one of the ten statues on this bridge. we love rome and pass this statue often, beginning and ending all those incredible nights that the eternal city has to offer. and yes, you're right, “anyone fancy a drink?” is always a good start. >
@ los angeles #truestory – this is the one with the thai town nights. los angeles is one of the places we consider home. this one reminds of stories about crazy nights in a wonderfully shady area of the city of angels, around the corner of harvard and hollywood blvd. they strikingly often kicked off with pleasantly affordable corona and tequila at jumbo’s clown room and ended with the best deep-fried pork belly and a good view on this very appealing offer. >
@ los angeles #truestory – this is the one with hannover. soho houses can be found all over the world. one rule applies to all of them: no photos, please. once we sat next to a stranger in the west hollywood house. hearing that we’re from germany he told us about “some show he did just two weeks ago”. in hannover. something with “wetten…” if we “ever heard about it?”, he asked. “well, yes denzel, something rings a bell there…” >
@ berlin #truestory – this is the one with the jukebox at paris bar. it’s not about the quantity, it’s about the quality of your exceptional moments on this crazy rock, floating through space. therefore you can very well be the happiest jukebox on earth, even if you only play a very few nights per year, due to the rules of the unforgotten boss Michel (RIP): this one shows a part of the jukebox playlist of the paris bar in berlin. >
@ berlin #truestory – this is the one with our favorite loo. we don’t know if unicorns fuck, but if they do they would have done it here. welcome to the loo of the king size, a meanwhile closed dive bar in berlin. its wall inspired us to this print. king size was a wonderful place, dedicated to the most sincere love within the most honest excess. filled with beats, booze and pure happiness. RIP. >
@ berlin #truestory – this is the one with an important message. well yes, we do love fun, light-hearted stories and a piece of party here and there. but that doesn’t mean that we wouldn’t value the seriousness and importance of the foundation of our common life on this wonderful planet that we share with almost.eight billion earthlings. >